Chris Kalina, Instructor
Responsible Self Defense Weapon Owner Purchasing a self-defense weapon is the first step in preparing to protect yourself and your family, but it’s not the only step. After completing a CCW course, purchasing your new defensive pistol and strapping that pistol to your belt or putting it in your purse isn’t enough to win a potentially deadly threat encounter. You owe it to yourself and loved ones to seek advanced training. Advanced firearm training gives you the skills and mindset to prepare yourself for a critical incident that you may encounter. Everything in life takes practice. You can’t pick up a baseball bat and be a home run hitter. Shooting is the same concept with a defensive weapon. It’s impossible go buy a handgun and be a great shot, especially during a life altering defensive encounter, without practice. It takes between 3000 and 5000 repetitions to become proficient at a task. Do you have the repetitions to draw your concealed hand gun effectively during a self-defense encounter? Can you put shots on a target to defend yourself or family? Do you know the difference between cover and concealment or how to use it? Do you know how to conduct an emergency reload? Are you aware of your surroundings? Do you know how to detect preattack indicators? Can you defend yourself without using deadly force? Do you know how to transition to deadly force if needed? Chances are you answered NO to many of these scenarios. I urge you to seek more advance training so you become a self-reliant, responsible gun carrier. The gun is a tool to have and hope to not need it than need it and not have the effective tool to use it. |